This multi media installation is a group effort involving artists from all 5 locations of the Seven Hills Foundation’s ASPiRE! programs. The participants have made repeated trips to the Worcester Art Museum during the Knights! exhibit following the acquisition of the Higgins Armory Collection and the recent reinstallation of the Medieval Galleries. In workshops at the Museum and in their own studio workshops these artists have created original artwork inspired by the Museum’s collection.
The exhibit features work in media ranging from ceramics, paintings, collage, and clothing inspired by the period.
Seven Hills developed the ASPiRE! model of day programs to better support individuals with disabilities and other significant life challenges. ASPiRE! has restructured the way that day habilitation, adult day health, workforce readiness, and employment services are typically offered by promoting personal choice and self-determination in a dynamic, and dignified, community-driven environment. Learn more about the ASPiRE! program.