Prints, drawings, and photographs

Prints, drawings, and photographs comprise over half of the Worcester Art Museum’s permanent collection, totaling nearly 20,000 objects. The collection includes works from the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

American watercolor shines in the Museum’s collection of works on paper, through outstanding examples of works by Childe Hassam, Winslow Homer, John Singer Sargent, and more.

The collection also features works demonstrating innovations in European printmaking from the 16th to 19th centuries, and an encyclopedic photography collection, spanning everything from early salt prints by William Henry Fox Talbot to contemporary photo-conceptual work by the likes of Stan Douglas.

Prints, Drawings, and Photographs Study Room

Works on paper are highly sensitive to light and humidity. As a result, they can only be on view for short periods of time and are otherwise stored in darkness to prevent fading.