The Worcester Art Museum Legacy Society recognizes those individuals who have included the Museum in their will or estate plans. Legacy Society gifts ensure that the Museum continues to be a vibrant center for culture, art, and learning for future generations. The Worcester Art Museum is grateful for the vital support provided by those indebted to its future; those who have left a planned gift and those who have provided documentation that they have included the Museum in their estate plans.

Supporting the Worcester Art Museum through my estate is a timeless investment in the enrichment of our community and the preservation of cultural heritage. By including WAM in my estate plans, I contribute to the sustenance of a vibrant artistic hub, ensuring that future generations can access and appreciate the diverse array of exhibitions, educational programs, and cultural resources the Museum provides. It is my hope this legacy will continue to foster a lasting impact on the cultural landscape in Worcester and beyond, reinforcing the importance of art in shaping and enhancing the quality of life for all.
Heath Drury Boote
If you are interested in information about making a planned gift or joining our Legacy Society, please contact:
Karmen Bogdesic
Senior Manager of Leadership and Planned Giving

How to give
Are you interested in how to give a legacy gift to the Worcester Art Museum? There are many ways to make a planned gift to the Museum and create a legacy for what you value the most. Planned gift types can be made either directly or through models that provide tax benefits, some of which even provide income. Explore the gift types below to determine the best way for you to leave a legacy at the Worcester Art Museum and join our Legacy Society. *
The most common and flexible type of planned gift is a bequest through your will or trust, and can be made in any amount. You may designate the Worcester Art Museum as the recipient of a specific amount or a percentage.
Examples of bequest language to put in your will may be:
- Cash Bequest
“I bequeath the sum of X to the Worcester Art Museum, in Worcester, Massachusetts, to be used or disposed of as the Worcester Art Museum, in its sole discretion deems appropriate.” - Residuary Bequest
“I bequeath X percent of the [entire value OR residue] of my estate to the Worcester Art Museum, in Worcester, Massachusetts, to be used or disposed of as the Worcester Art Museum, in its sole discretion deems appropriate.” - Bequest of Real Estate
“I devise all of my right, title, and interest in and to real estate located at (give address and describe property) to the Worcester Art Museum, in Worcester, Massachusetts, to be used or disposed of as the Trustees in their sole discretion deems appropriate.” - Restricted Use
I bequeath the sum of X to the Worcester Art Museum, in Worcester, Massachusetts for the following use: _____________.
Beneficiary Designation
You may designate WAM as a beneficiary of life insurance, retirement funds, bank account, stocks and bonds, or donor advised fund. To name WAM as your beneficiary, simply ask your advisor, life insurance agent, or bank to send you a beneficiary designation form.
IRA Rollover
If you are age 70½ or older, you may also qualify for an IRA Rollover to transfer assets annually from your IRA to a non-profit, tax-free.
Donor-Advised Funds
Donor-advised funds (DAFs) often allow you to make recommendations regarding the distribution of any remaining fund balance in the event of one’s passing. You may be able to name one or more charities as beneficiaries or recommend future distributions to certain charities. Your fund advisor can provide more information.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) are a popular way to give a legacy gift, as they are easy to set up, provide a safe, generous income, and give tax benefits. The Museum will pay you and/or another beneficiary a guaranteed fixed income for life in exchange for your gift of cash or appreciated securities.
There are more ways to give to the Worcester Art Museum through a planned gift, including life insurance gifts, gifts of stocks and bonds, and works of art.
* Please consult with your financial advisor, attorney, or other trusted professional to know which option is right for you. When you leave a gift to the Worcester Art Museum, we can continue our mission of connecting people, communities, and cultures through the experience of art.
Legal Name and Address:
Worcester Art Museum
55 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01603
Tax I.D. # 04-1988530